How Windows7Center died

A few years ago (back in 2008), I started A friend knew someone (let’s give him a fake name, John) who was looking to build a news site for Windows 7, and he referred John to me.

John already purchased the domain, along with hosting, but other than that, he had a very vague idea of how he was going to execute this idea. After all, he was a student pursuing business, and although he spent lots of time on the internet, John had never grown or developed a website. I worked with many clients who were either establishing, or established, and had a fair amount of experience growing forum communities. There wasn’t really a website dedicated to information and news on Windows 7 at that point, so our partnership began.

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Bye Aaron – An awakening

Yesterday, Aaron Swartz commited suicide. Unlike the many other blog posts on the internet today and yesterday, I never knew Aaron. I never worked with him, emailed him, or read his blog posts.

In fact, the only reason I knew of Aaron before his suicide, was through his anti-SOPA/PIPA website, I don’t have any memories of Aaron to share, no stories about how his minimalism approach to code inspired me, I don’t even care that he co-created Reddit, or that he co-authored the original RSS spec. However, at one point in both our lives, we were fighting for the same cause, to bring awareness in stopping SOPA.

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Having issues buying Nexus 4 on Play Store? Here’s a tip.

During the release of Nexus 4 on November 13th, the phones were sold out within 20 minutes. To make matters worse, many users were having issues putting the phone in their shopping cart or completing the order.

Yesterday, Google put the Nexus 4 up for sale again, but only available to the U.S. Once again, the issues with the shopping cart came up, allowing for more criticism regarding Google’s inability to maintain a decent Play Store experience.

One of the most common issues was messages regarding high server load being produced when clicking ‘Proceed” to complete your order with your shopping cart items. You would be able to click ‘Proceed’, but it would turn grey and continue to produce high server load messages. If you were patient, after clicking for 10 minutes to an hour, it would work.

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