Monthly Archives: January 2013

How Windows7Center died

A few years ago (back in 2008), I started A friend knew someone (let’s give him a fake name, John) who was looking to build a news site for Windows 7, and he referred John to me.

John already purchased the domain, along with hosting, but other than that, he had a very vague idea of how he was going to execute this idea. After all, he was a student pursuing business, and although he spent lots of time on the internet, John had never grown or developed a website. I worked with many clients who were either establishing, or established, and had a fair amount of experience growing forum communities. There wasn’t really a website dedicated to information and news on Windows 7 at that point, so our partnership began.

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Bye Aaron – An awakening

Yesterday, Aaron Swartz commited suicide. Unlike the many other blog posts on the internet today and yesterday, I never knew Aaron. I never worked with him, emailed him, or read his blog posts.

In fact, the only reason I knew of Aaron before his suicide, was through his anti-SOPA/PIPA website, I don’t have any memories of Aaron to share, no stories about how his minimalism approach to code inspired me, I don’t even care that he co-created Reddit, or that he co-authored the original RSS spec. However, at one point in both our lives, we were fighting for the same cause, to bring awareness in stopping SOPA.

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